Premier aerial imaging and videography firm using professionally developed drone equipment and cutting-edge digital editing technology

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Welcome to Northeast Drone Services, LLC

We are a premier aerial imaging and videography firm using professionally developed drone equipment and cutting-edge digital editing technology. This is an emerging and exciting technology platform that we have been working with over recent years. We are able to provide our clients with premium quality photography and video media for a variety of target markets. We provide our services employing equipment known in the industry as a UAV/UAS (unmanned automated vehicle/system) or more commonly known as a drone.

Before drone technology evolved, you would need to spend an exorbitant amount time and money to obtain aerial images via plane or helicopter for real estate use, land development, construction progress, visual inspections and aerial surveying. With the evolution of sophisticated digital technology combined with advanced micro-propulsion systems, what was once costly and typically impossible to achieve, can now be provided at an affordable cost and within a reasonable timeframe. 

NEDRONESERV is based in Connecticut, but serves the Northeast region of the United States. We work in urban, suburban, rural and coastline environments. We will travel to your location to get the results you desire, so just ask us.

It’s easy to get started. Review our image gallery, browse our service markets, then just send us an email or give us a call. Our team will explain the process, and provide you with a reasonable and competitive cost proposal. Before long, you will have high-resolution, simply unique images and videography that will provide results like never before for your business or personal needs. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


  • Commercial Business Operation with Professional Offices
  • FAA Certified Pilots and Trained Staff
  • FAA Registered Professional Flight Equipment
  • Fully Insured – Liability, Property and Equipment

Our Fleet

All of our equipment is state-of-the-art UAV technology developed by industry leaders such as DJI, GoPro, and Canon. Following are some basic specifications to help you understand the operation of our systems:

• Our drone systems are capable of semi autonomous flight.
• Drones are remotely controlled by a PIC or Pilot in Command.
• A spotter is used in some cases for additional safety and proficiency on constrained or complex project assignments.
• Drones are quiet, compact, and developed from space age material technology.
• Environmentally friendly operation using battery power sources capable of flights up to 30 minutes. Multiple batteries are part of the equipment kit for extended sessions.
• Capable of flying outdoors or indoors.
• Flight availability window is from dawn until dusk, as regulated by the FAA.
• Camera and imaging equipment are capable of still or motion capture.
• Systems are designed for high resolution, blur corrected images.

Services & Markets


  • Aerial Still Photography
  • Aerial Panoramic Photography
  • Aerial Videography
  • Digital Media Editing Services
  • Sound Editing Services for Stills and Videography

Markets We Serve

  • Real Estate
  • Development
  • Inspection Services
  • Aerial Surveys
  • Aerial Mapping
  • Construction Services

Our Team

Our team is a dedicated group of photography and drone enthusiasts. Each member of the team has different skills and talents that they bring to the table, ranging from Private Pilot flight experience, to drone development, and digital editing technology. 

Our pilots are FAA certified and trained, our advanced drone equipment is FAA registered and regularly serviced, and our firm is fully insured for your protection and for ours. We use only professionally developed aerial drone and camera equipment by manufacturers that specialize in this type of technology. We fly safe, maintain proper flight regulations, and manage the process for all involved. Our flight crew is professional, enthusiastic, and creative in order to obtain that “never-seen-before” shot to provide you the ultimate results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question to learn more.
What is a UAV or drone?
A drone or UAV (Unmanned Automated Vehicle) is a compact, remote controlled flight system that is able to maintain some level of autonomous flight, and carries imaging equipment capable of still and video media.
What weather and environmental restrictions can affect ascheduled drone flight session?
Sunny days tend to provide the best images employing the use of natural day light. Some overcast days are preferred for non-shadow image collection. Rain, wind, snow and extreme heat/cold prevent flight sessions for equipment and safe flight operations.
Typically, our certified drone staff can fly on most days, unless there are wind conditions or any type of precipitation or moisture such as mist or rain. Fog also prevents safe flight operations under Federal Regulations. Poor weather conditions will require rescheduling of your planned shoot session subject to weather and available shoot sessions.
Do I need to be there for a scheduled drone flight session?
You do not need to be present for a scheduled drone flight session. You are welcome to observe, as long as all observers follow the required instructions by our certified drone staff. If representation is required by the Client on a particular property or shoot location, that is entirely up to you.
What are the safety issues for a scheduled drone flight session?
Our certified drone staff only should be present and managing the project. Weather can impact a drone shoot and should be carefully monitored. Any observers attending the shoot should stay away from
the area of filming as directed by our certified staff members. Never approach or touch a drone that is under operation. Please do not distract the shoot staff while operations are underway. Visual clearance and flight spacing are important factors depend ing on the flight parameters for the shoot session.
How high does the drone fly?
Drones are limited by Federal Regulations to not exceed 400 feet of flight. The typical flight will start at ground level and typically fly anywhere between ground level and 200 feet for optimal image options.
How does Pilot-in-Commandknow the altitude of the drone in flight?
The remote control equipment
and drone in-flight systems provide
the Pilot-in-Command with flight operations data, including speed, altitude and instrument data. Our professional equipment is fitted with the latest GPS technology along with sophisticated flight sensors.
How long is the session set-up time?
Setup and flight preparation takes on average between 15-30 minutes depending upon the complexity of the shoot session.
How long does the drone flight session last?
After pre-flight set-up at ground level, a shoot session on average can last anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Some shoot sessions can last up to an hour or longer depending
upon project scope and requirements, along with other factors such as natural daylight conditions. Battery changes are required for flight sessions lasting up to 30 minutes or longer.
Does your firm offer digital editing services for still images and videography?
Yes, our firm offers photo and video editing, re-touch, and audio compilation. We employ
the latest in computer graphics hardware and software to provide you with the most creative and unique image results.
What information is required to setup an aerial drone session?
To schedule an aerial drone session, we will need the following information:
  • Site location
  • Site availability
  • Schedule for shoot and timing for deliverables
  • Project scope parameters and desired results
  • Purpose of scheduling an aerial drone session
  • Clear access to site and building roofs as needed (depending on scope)
  • If a construction site, scheduled access and clear operations zone for flight
  • Conditions of the site and shoot location (wet, dry, dust, access conditions, etc.)
  • Any safety, site or security conditions for the shoot location
  • Contact person and responsible party for payment of services rendered.
  • Signed contract and release authorizations for shooting at the designated location.
Can you perform an indoor drone flight session?
Yes, we can provide interior shoot sessions, depending upon project scope and available flight space available for equipment maneuverability. Each project will be reviewed for practicality and safety parameters to ensure safe and effective interior flight sessions.
Can you perform a drone flight session at night?
The typical flight window under Federal Regulations is from dawn until dusk. Night flight sessions are restricted under Federal Regulations. Special waivers and conditions allow such sessions under unique conditions
What is the cost for an aerial imaging session?
Every project has a unique scope and client requirements. Please contact us to receive a proposal for your unique project.
How long does it take to schedule an aerial drone session?
Depending on the project scope desired, the available shoot session dates, and weather conditions, on average a shoot can be scheduled as soon as one week to more complicated shoots being scheduled within 2-4 weeks.
What basic services are included when I hire NEDRONESERV?
Typical services include a shoot session with professional drone equipment, certified drone staff who are knowledgeable and friendly, and collection of project images. This typical session provides raw images and/or videography for editing and processing before delivery to the client.
What type of files are provided for the desired finished product?
High-resolution images files such as standardized .jpg, .tiff and .png files are edited, re-touched and compressed for delivery to the client. Maximum image resolution is maintained for optimal presentation. Depending on file size, they can be provided via email, or for larger files delivered to a data dropbox location for retrieval by the client. Video files are handled in a similar way from editing through optional audio compilation. Please review your desired file types when completing our project inquiry form.

Request Form

Please complete the following form to request information, ask questions, or obtain a cost proposal for any project that you may have in mind. Please tell us  how we can help realize your project goals. We will get back to you in a flash to get you the information that you need to make an informed decision on the services we can provide you and your organization.

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Reach Us

Whether you have a new project, looking for answers, get a quote or just want to let us know how we did, you’ll find many ways to contact us right here. We’ll help you resolve your issues quickly and professionally, getting you back to matter the most…your business!
Northeast Drone Services, LLC.
115 Technology Drive, Suite A201
Trumbull, CT 06611